Flags of Lithuania: colors and meaning

Lithuanian republic has a difficult story. The signals of the authorities underwent conversion in coordination with the events.

So the modern flag of Lithuania looks:

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Lithuanian “flag” – “Veliava”. Etymologically, the word testifies to the “country of a shower”. Lithuanian’s foreground remembered that, raising the banner over the battlefield, they opened the road from the other world to the souls of the dead fighters. And those fought for the descendants. In the Old Songs of the Estonians, with whom the Lithuanians fight, the Lithuanian armies are mentioned, abundantly crowned with flags.

History of the flag

Over the project of the municipal sign of Lithuania in 1917, a commission worked, developing from outstanding figures and arts of science. The composition included a scientist and a public figure. Basanavicus, painters. Zhmujdzinavius ​​and T. Dauguirdas. Last was, not counting this, famous local previous and archaeologist.

Antanas Zhmujidzinavius ​​Delivered a sentence of a red-green panel. But such a combination seemed black, and the Lithuanian Council rejected the project.

During the future work on the sketch, the Commission has proposed to adopt the flag of the historical region of Malaya, Lithuania. He looked like three monotonous stripes – red, white, and green. But in this version, the “Protestant” colors saw and did not agree with him.

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It was not necessary to like and offer to include an unintelligible lane of yellowish color, which was supposed to symbolize the sunrise.

As a result, they concluded that the Lithuanian municipal flag will be folded from 3 isometric horizontal strips. Brake on yellowish, colors and green, red. These colors were chosen taking into account heraldic traditions and based on the most fateful colors in folk decorative and applied creativity.

For the initial time, the tricolor was raised in 1919 in Vilnius over the tower of Gediminas.

At the end of entering the USSR, the flag was changed. A red banner with a title and the image of the republic of crossed sickle and hammer came to replace the tricolor.

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Tricolor returned to the years and the 50th half of the twentieth century. But the strips were different widths and other colors. The bigot strip – the Red, demonstrated the Republic in the USSR. Below was a narrow white band, behind it – a green stripe, a bit wider last.

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Tricolor (yellowish, greenish, red) became extensively used since the summer of 1988. He was solemnly installed above the Gedimine Tower. For Lithuanians, it was the main point, t. To. The tricolor banner above this tower is associated with freedom and independence.

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In the same year, Tricolor got the official status of a sign of the republic. This status was enshrined in the Constitution of the Lithuanian SSR, and at the end of which, in 1992. – in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania.

Flag’s Day is a municipal festive and celebrated on January 1.


The official municipal flag of the Republic of Lithuania is a rectangle, on which three bands of monotonous size are horizontally placed. The top strip of yellowish color, central – green, lower – red.

The ratio of the width of the panel and length until 2004. Was 1:2. With amending the law, the ratio has changed. At the moment, the proportion is 3:5.

Size 1 m per 1.7 m. Other dimensions are allowed with the necessary observance of proportions.

Colors of flag of Lithuania

The ideal of flowers is recreated in the pre-war examples stored in personal collections and urban museums.

Yellowish color (dark, close to orange), and green are taken from samples without configurations.

Red gave a more notable shade, t. To. Previously, he was very dark, close to purple.

Form colors:

  • Yellow corresponds to 15-0955 TP / 1235 C / U by Pantone;
  • Green 19-6026 TP / 349 C / U for the totality of Pantone;
  • Red 19-1664 TP / 180 C / U by Pantone.

Meaning of flowers

  1. Yellow – personifies the sun, well-being and prosperity, nobility and nobility.
  2. Green – emphasizes the beauty of native nature, there is a sign of hope, bright joy, and freedom.
  3. Red – symbolizes courage, courage and fearlessness, blood, which was shed in bravery for the depression.

Other flags

In 2004. The law that determines the status of the State Flag, amended. Apart from the State Flag, which is an official sign, legally recognized the state historical flag. Later to the item added the definition of “coat of arms”.

The flag is described as follows: Silver (White) Rider, Caught in Lats, on horseback to the same colors, on a red field.

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Carefully indicate the details of the equipment and its color. The left hand of the night closes the blue shield, decorated with a golden cross with 2 crossbars. Ridder’s right hand is raised high above his head and holds a silver blade with a golden handle. Golden (yellow) not counting this are spurs and strive, blade scabbard, lunky, fastening. Saddle and babying – blue.

The figure of the historic flag was created in 2002. A. Each of the examples of the 30s of the 20th century.

In Art. 3 indicated law talks about the size of the coat of arms flags. The ratio of its length and width is installed as 3:5, and the ordinary sizes of the panel 1 m per 1.7 m.

It raises constantly in 3 places:

  1. In Vilnius over the Palace of rulers.
  2. In the historic location of Kaunas – Military Museum Square.
  3. In the Old Trakai Castle.

Additional dates are installed, at the time, at the time, when the historical flag should rise. This is a Deneke of the Constitution and the Denek of the country, the days, at the time, at the time, when independence and restoration of the country are noted, and the days of the battle of Grunewald. The law indicates the places in which during each of the state solemn days raise the historical flag.

Flag of President Lithuania:

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Interesting facts about the flag

In 1919, a pair of military volunteers for the initial time established the flag of Lithuania over the Gediminas Tower in the capital. Once a year, on January 1, the national flag rose over this tower. He flies all year. Upon completion of what a short, the banner is transferred to honorary storage in one of the Lithuanian schools.

Gedimine Tower stands on the castle grief, in the center of Vilnius. This place is subject to landslides that the danger of the audience changes. Based on this, it is not always possible to raise the state symbol over the tower on flag day. The ceremony is postponed in the 2nd historical place. But later the state flag without distinction raise over the tower.

Periodically, the flag of Lithuania is confused with the banners of the second state.

  • So in 2008, when awarding an athlete from Latvia, Won brass at the championship of athletics, the Lithuanian flag was raised. The organizers confused the neighboring countries. The ceremony was necessary to repeat.
  • On a friendly match held in 2008 between the football teams of the Czech Republic and Lithuania, the last not counting this was confused with adjacent Latvia. And the Lithuanian state symbol was posted by kicking. This event outraged Lithuanian team players.
  • In Tel Aviv in 2019, shortly before the gay parade, instead of rainbow panels, LGBT on the streets fluttered three-color flags of Lithuania. On this occasion was a rapid discussion in social networks. By morning, incorrect corrected.
  • A year earlier came out another event that threw the shadow to the Lithuanian symbol. A team of activists per day, at the time, at the time, at the time when the 100th anniversary of the recovery of statehood was noted, Lithuanian flag sent to the sky, 30 km. Activists dubbed the campaign “Tricolor in Space”. But they should be aware that the line of the pocket, separating the earth’s airspace from space, passes at an altitude of 100 km. And the Lithuanian state symbol is stuck in the stratosphere and not affiliates to space. Many Lithuanian citizens were not very amazingly reacted to this campaign, having considered her humiliation for the Flag of the Republic.

Incidents and more seriously talking about deliberate flag defense.

  • In 2013, in the town of Salchininkai, one of the shopping points of the Maxima network posted a state flag over the entrance. But instead of mourning tapes, what a faith retained this day, black pantyhose fluttered above him. The event was released on the day of mourning, celebrated by the republic about the deportations, during which thousands of residents were sent from the country. The management of the trading network brought apologies, the director of the store lost their work.
  • In 2016, a pair of American fighters under the cover of darkness declared the flag of Lithuania, having broken it from the structure of the prosecutor’s office in Kaunas. This incident was recorded by cameras. But the authorities pressed the situation, not wanting, apparently, burdening relations with the USA.

Most of Lithuanian people with great reverence belong to the national and historical flags of their country, preserving and condemning the disrespectful attitude to them both from the residents of the republic and by strangers.

Non-specialized information about Lithuania

Official language Lithuanian
Capital Vilnius
Territory 65 301 km2
Population 2,794,472 people
Currency Euro (EUR, code 978)
Telephone code +370
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