Flag of Cameroon: meaning and colors

The Republic of Cameroon is a government located in Central Africa, whose discovers at the end of the 15th century were Portuguese Savior. From now, the 1st contacts of residents with Europeans are counted. The name of the country comes from Rio Dos Camarao (in Portuguese “River Shrimp”).

So the modern flag of Cameroon looks:

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History flag of Cameroon

Cameroon since the end of the 19th century henceforth until 1916 was the colony of Germany. Until 1914, the territory was managed by the German West African Company. She used a personal flag in the form of white cloth with a red-colored cross and an image of a black falcon in the center placed in a circle of yellow color. In rectangles, between the crusades, on a white background, the 1st large beaks of the company – Dwag were applied.

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In the year of the beginning of the first world, the project of a new flag was created, which was named – the flag of the Protectorate Cameroon. It was planned to portray the head of the silver elephant against the background of the shield of red color, and all this on a non-specialized black and white-red background of the German sign.

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But, this did not come out, since, according to the results of the Global War, the territory was divided between the United Kingdom and France. Neither the 1st nor the 2nd part of Cameroon’s own flags has not taken away, without looking at the fact that the English part had an easy version used for all overseas territories.

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At the end of the 2nd, the global national movement for liberation increased in the first half of the 60s of the twentieth century, Cameroon became free. But even earlier, the French part took the autonomy and together with it the 1st example of the flag approved in the 2nd half of the 50s of the twentieth century. He consisted of three uniform vertical stripes – green, colors, and yellow-red.

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In the first half of the 60s of the 20th century, an union with the British part of Cameroon was reached, and the country became federal. Based on this, a new mark was approved – an old cloth with the addition of 2-stars on its green side. This type of sign existed to continue until 1975, without looking at the fact that in the first half of the 70s of the twentieth century, the Federal Republic of Cameroon was renamed the United Republic of Cameroon.

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At the moment, the active version of the state sign seemed in May 1975, since it is more or rather described by the new name – the United Republic of Cameroon. Since 1984, the government began referring to the Republic.

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Alternation of strips on the flag of Cameroon, Pomo-Mu, repeat the version of the French tricolor. Plotted standard rectangular shape with side ratios – width to length as 2 to 3. It consists of 3-strips of a monochrome width located vertically. From the Tree, the second words to the left for the right follow the stripes: green, red, and yellow. Right in the center of the flag, in the midst of the red strip depicted a yellow five-pointed star.

In the Constitution on the sign of the republic in PT 5 of Article 1 and part 1, it is written that “the flag should be green, red, yellow in three equal vertical stripes with one gold star in the center of the Red Stripe”.

Colors flag of Cameroon

Cameroon flag colors (yellow, green, red) – this is the accepted composition of colors of countries African continent.

Meaning colors and flag sign

Green on the flag symbolizes the rich forest vegetation of the southern region of the country; testifies hope for a contented future. Red MNIT sovereignty and independence, and unity of the northern and southern parts of Cameroon. Yellow MNIT Sun, which is the source of happiness and savannah Cameroon in the northern part of the country. Star – a symbol of the country’s unity.

The Republic of Cameroon is a multilingual state, but officials are official and French. And the fact that two stars later turned into one, reminds of the significance of the unity of the population Ukraine, Long decades of lived divided.

Interesting facts about the flag

Colors on the flag of Cameroon personify the PanFrean movement and Cameroon is available by the 2nd official state, at the end, Ghana used them on their banner.

Non-specialized information about Cameroon

Official language French and English (de facto)
Capital Yaounde
Territory 475 440 km2
Population 27 744 989 people
Currency Franc CFA Beac (XAF)
Telephone code +237
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