Flag of Iceland: meaning and colors Iceland is called “Ice Country”. The government is in the western part of Northern 0
Flag of Spain: color and meaning Flag of Spain – the most recognizable sign of the country. The history of 0
Flag of the Greece: color and meaning The flag of Greece is one of the more serious municipal signs, which is 0
Flag of Germany: photo, history and meaning Flag of Germany – is a cloth with tricoloro with gold, black and red 0
Flag of Ireland: color and image Flag of Ireland – Municipal Sign of this country. His story began another couple 0
Flag of Gibraltar: color and meaning The flag of Gibraltar is the main sign of the country. He does not 0
Flag of Georgia: colors and meaning Flag of Georgia – one of the main distinguishing signs of the country. As 0
Flag Hong Kong: color and meaning The flag Hong Kong was adopted on February 16, 1990. And on August 10, 0