Flag of the Third Reich

The flag that was used by the III Reach was the official symbol of Nazi Germany. His national banner was announced in 1935, and he existed until 1945. The flag of the Third Reich corresponded to the symbolism of the NSDAP of Germany. The invention of the swastika in the form of a black rotated cross does not belong to the Germans. It is more connected with Hinduism and Nepalese.

Flag of the Third Reich

Germany is the largest population among the Member States of the European Union and is home to the third-largest group of international emigrants. After the United States, Germany is the second most popular migration location in the world. Germany is also known as the III Reich, thereby distinguishing from the Holy German Roman Empire (First Reich) and Imperial Germany, managed by Hohenzollern’s (Second Reich).

What does the Third Reich flag mean

This is the personification of the People’s Spirit. The traditions and thoughts of residents of the country he belongs to its cloth. Many state standards not only were the symbols of the country but also performed the functions of the faith.

Flag of the Third Reich Photo

The Meaning of the colors of the flag of 3 Reich as:

  1. Red – this is fire and blood. In fascist Germany, the theme of blood had a contemptuous direction. Conceived the creation of a new clean nation.
  2. White color is associated with holiness, cleanliness, closeness, and light. Symbols in the center of the banner meant belonging to the monarchy. The figure in the form of a circle has a mystical meaning, pointing to belonging to a circle of dedication.
  3. The right-hand black swastika is explained as a symbol of a creative start.

The concept was developed by Hitler himself, and he was confident in the magical strength of the banner. Everyone knows that division, which has lost its own symbolism ceases to exist. Therefore, the state banner is valued and is of particular importance. The cloth indicates the characters that briefly inform about the country’s type and disclose the traditions of the people.  The German attributes wore the overcame function.

Without swastika

You can also meet symbols without a swastika. It has the official name NSDAP. We are talking about the state attributes of Hitler Germany.

Flag of the Third Reich that means

In 1923, a decree was adopted that two versions of state symbols should be used at the same time. The government believed that this attribute helps to associate the past and the period of the revival of the nation. Thus, the importance of the power and internal communications of the German people.

Military Flag of the Third Reich

The swastika depicted on the canvas was previously used by various right-handed groups of Germany. But the Nazis simply stole this idea.

The red cloth was chosen in order to attract the working audience. At that time, Hitler struck the Social Democratic Movement, which took place under the red flags and other symbols of this color. Fascist ideologues assigned red, symbolizing blood and fire – having a creative meaning (formation of a new society).

But the combination of white and black was related to the imperial style. Therefore, any supporter of the new regime could bind this choice to the imperial symbol, which was attributed to the Bismarck. White symbolizes selected, lightness, and cleanliness – a national idea.

What does the third Reich flag mean

So one of the most scandalous-known banners appeared in the world, under which the blood was spilled. Coming out III Reich gave rise to the “horror banner”. The attributes of this type were also represented with the image of the right-hand corner in the upper corner. Near the trek was a circle of white with a right-sided swastika. Size ratio 3:5.

Alternative Flag of Third Reich

Flags of the Third Reich had a single meaning. We are talking about the bright personification of the existing aspirations and idealism of the people, as well as about the symbolism of the new movement. Red canvas indicates pursued social ideas, white shade – about nationalism. The cross-like symbolizes the desire for victory.

In the spring of 1945, the United Kingdom and France were prohibited by the use of all types of inputs in Germany. Local vessels temporarily used the Charlie symbol included in the set of international emblems. In 1949, the GDR, as well as the Federal Republic of Germany, adopted a black and red-gold tricolor, which in the 19th century used as a state symbolism of the Union of Germany and the emblem of German unity.

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