Flag of Mozambique: meaning and colors

The Republic of Mozambique is in the southern part of Africa. Not paying attention to the tremendous distance between Russia and her, there is something that binds our countries. Second words – sign depicted on the flag of Mozambique.

So the modern flag of Mozambique looks:

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History flag Mozambique

The flag of Mozambique is one of the municipal signs of the Republic of Mozambique. The modern version of the flag is accepted in the first half of the 80s of the XX century.

Before the liberation of, Mozambique was Portuguese Colonia.

In the 2nd half of the 60s of the twentieth century in the book dedicated to the coat of arms of subordinate Portugal Land, her creator of Almeida now gave the Council to introduce for the overall possessions of the Base of Municipal Sign of Portugal itself. Surgeons with this were proposed to be on the cloth the coat of arms of a certain province. The coat of arms of Mozambique at that time was a shield folding from 3-parts. In the lower part, the waves of silver and greenish colors were depicted, upstairs, on the right – 5 shields with five nails, on the right – seven grows greenish, embroidered with a red braid.

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But the government of Portugal not believing this did not consider this proposal, and even more – to have the coat of arms of Mozambique on its flag.

In the 62nd year of the 20th century, at the end of the creation of the front of the liberation of Mozambique (Frelimo), an example resembling modern. Green, black, yellow stripes, shared white, and – red triangle, adjacent to the.

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In 1975, independence was proclaimed and new. Saving the colors of the strips, the creators have placed them in the form of 7 wedges, separated from a non-specialized point in the upper left corner. In the same corner, the emblem with an open book, ask and hoe.

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In April 1983, the flag of Frelimo with the added sign of the open book, AK and Moth.

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The modern version is approved by the original Day of May 1983.

In 2005, an attempt was made to update the flag, coat of arms and the hymn of Mozambique: 119 works were presented, not counting this elected the best offer, but later this was not advanced.


The flag of the Republic of Mozambique looks like a rectangle, which includes 3 wide bands located horizontally. Strips have equal width. Colors of stripes from top to bottom: green, black, and yellow. They are divided from each other with narrow white stripes.

The string is placed in a red triangle. Its foundation converges with the waters of the flag. Two other parties, monotonous size, form a sharp angle, directed towards the center of the panel, without reaching the central point.

In the middle of the triangle – a five-pointed star of the yellow color of huge size. On the star posted an open white book. On top of it – a stylized image of crossed hoes and a Kalashnikov machine, painted in black.

The Appleton of the machine will turn down on the left. Trunk – swelling on the right. Shop AK notes down on the right. Crossing his hoe of the handle is aimed at the right, the working part is to swell on the left. The cutting edge of the hoe is turned to the base of the triangle, to the ace.

At the moment, Mozambique is the only government in the world, on whose flag is.

Colors flag Mozambique

On the rectangle there are 5 colors, second words:

  1. Red;
  2. Green;
  3. Black;
  4. White;
  5. Golden yellow.

At least some of them – not accidental, has a personal essence.

Meaning colors flag of Mozambique

  1. Green is evidenced by the prospect of the plant world.
  2. Black indicates that the government is in Africa.
  3. Red color – the symbol of the fight against colonizers, upholding and victory sovereignty.
  4. White color – purity of the thoughts of the Mozambique people in the struggle for peace, his honesty, and justice.
  5. Golden yellow indicates mineral prosperity.
  6. Star in the center of the triangle – a symbol of hope for the solidarity of residents of Ukraine with a population of Ukraine.
  7. An open book is evidenced by the education to which the Government gives importance.
  8. Moth – a symbol of production and honest labor.
  9. Kalashnikov – an instrument used for defense and sovereignty protection.

Kalashnikov citizens of the country were on the state symbol in the symbol of recognizing the unusual role of AK-47 in the fight for independence.

Interesting facts about the flag

Have been taken repeated samples to remove from the flag. In particular, diligent opposition tried at the end of the release of the movie “Armory Baron” with Nicholas Cage in the main role.

The American militant used a layout of a head brave, Russian businessman Victor Booth, whom the management USA condemned for a long time for illegal trade in the gun. In the movies, the delivery of guns in Mozambique were discussed Mozambique.

Non-specialized information about Mozambique

Official language Portuguese
Capital Maputo
Territory 801 590 km2
Population 28 829 476 people
Currency metical
Telephone code +258
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