Flag of Honduras: meanings and colors

The flag of Honduras was approved on January 9, 1866, and looks like a three-track blue-white-blue cloth.

On the center of the flag on the white stripe there are five five-pointed stars of blue.

Country Honduras is a small government that is located in Central America. At first, in the XVI century, Christopher Columbus sailed to the northern shore of Honduras, and after 22, the Spaniards began full-scale colonization of the country. Frequently from the invaders, the country was able solely in the first half of the 20s of the XIX century. Then the 1st municipal symbolism appeared.

So the flag of Honduras looks like: photo

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History flag of Honduras

The 1st flag of Honduras appeared on September 15, 1821, at the moment, at that time, at the time when the government became free from Spain. The appearance was of the first flag itself is very very different from all subsequent. It was a cloth, divided by the painter 3 stripes: red, green, and white. Among the green (central) bands was depicted by the emblem of Honduras. The second stripes were storing on one star. This cloth was burning until 1823, and at the end of which he was changed on the 2nd, more similar to modern.

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There may be a change in the municipal sign, not counting this is since at the end of 1821, at the time, at the time when Honduras declared its own independence, the Spanish government did not recognize this fact three more years, in the future until 1823.

In the middle of the century, a new sign of Honduras became a cloth, divided into three stripes: the top and bottom had a blue color, the central was white. The coat of arms of the country was depicted in the center. This option was the official sign of the country for only 1 year.

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In the first half of the 20s of the nineteenth century, the flag was replaced by the official symbol of the Federation of Central America, which was distinguished from the flag of Honduras in the fact that the center of the canvases was stated.

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But already in the 2nd half of the 1839th of the nineteenth century, the Federation graduated from its own existence, and Honduras was necessary to change their symbolism again. In this case, from the blue color, it was decided to dedicate in favor of bright blue. Not believing this, from the center of the panel failed through the coat of arms.

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In the 2nd half of the 60s of the nineteenth century, Honduras again changed the main symbol of the country. The top and bottom of the flag began to be a heavenly blue, and 5 stars of azure appeared in the center of the panel.

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2nd 1866-1898

In the 2nd half of the 90s and anniversaries, the color of the asterisks was replaced with gold, but in the 2nd half of the 40s of the twentieth century, they again returned the heavenly blue tint and did not change the position of the stars. Since then, the official symbolism of the country has no longer changed.

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5 stars added to the flag of Honduras in the 2nd half of the 60s of the nineteenth century, mean 5 allied countries who were part of the Federation of Central America. It was produced in the hope that the countries of the Alliance will never merge again.


The flag of Honduras is a rectangular cloth, the sides of which have a ratio of 2 to 1. The canvas is divided horizontally into three equal parts having two shades. In the center of the flag, there are 5 stars, which forms the letter H: two stars on the left and two on the right, 5th in the center of the canvas.

Colors flag of Honduras

Three stripes on the flag of Honduras have two colors: bright blue and white. Bright blue painted lower and top parts of the panel. The central part has white in color. Stars depicted in the center of the canvas, like the edges of the flag have a bright blue shade.

Meaning colors flag of Honduras

Bright blue color strips symbolize the water of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, which are surrounded by Honduras. White color symbolizes the world and prosperity. 5 stars mean 5 states of the former federation of Central America, which, not counting Honduras, included Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatemala.

5 stars mean not only the countries themselves, which were once part of the Federation of Central America, at the same time their history that worked closely for many years neighborhood.

Getting rid of power Spain In the XIX century, Honduras changed quite enough flags, and completely approved his national symbolism only in the 2nd half of the 40s of the twentieth century. Well, at the moment it is a small government trying to peace and prosperity, which symbolizes its flag.

Non-specialized information about Honduras

Official language Spanish
Capital Tegucigalpa
Territory 112 090 km2
Population 8 448 465 people
Currency LEMPIRA (HNL, code 340)
Telephone code +504
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