Flag of Djibouti: meaning and colors

Djibouti – a small government in northeastern Africa. His area forms a few more than 23 thousand. km2. This is a republic with personal municipal signs.

So the modern flag of Djibouti looks:

Flag Djibouti 1

History flag of Djibouti

In the late 1980s, the 19th century on the lands found by the French Emissaries at the Issa tribe, the construction of the city of Djibouti began. In that direction later, the French governor moved. Above the city, the banner of the governor, who mingled a blue cloth with 2 triangular finishes (brazers) and the tricolor of France.

Flag Djibouti-2

In the 2nd half of the 50s and century, at the end of the massive manifestations of Somali in Djibouti, the French government adopted the law on expanding the self-government of the overseas. Was created by the Board, the 1st Vice President of which Issa Mahamud Harbi Farah made a new flag.

It was a rectangle folding from 2 horizontal strips. Top – blue, like Somalia. Lower, green, personified Islam. The red equilateral triangle in the tree meant the revolutionary struggle. Located on it a white five-pointed star beam was deployed to the center of the panel.

Flag of Djibouti 3

The modern flag of Djibouti, as a country sign, was adopted on June 27, 1977. On this day, Djibouti was completely freed from colonial dependence.

A similar cloth risen over the state in the first half of the 70s of the twentieth century fighters for independence. But the meaning of the signs has changed.


It is a rectangle with a ratio of length and widths 21:38. Horizontally it is broken into two equal stripes. The top has light blue – color. Lower – green.

Equipical white triangle one side adjoins the angle, a corner is aimed at the center.

In the middle of a triangle – a red star with five rays in a vertical position. The star is inscribed in an imaginary circle having a diameter of 1/5 of the width of the panel.

Colors flag of Djibouti

It has the following colors:

  1. Light blue or sky blue (Pantone 292c);
  2. High-green, (Pantone 361c);
  3. White;
  4. Red, (Pantone 179C).

Meaning colors the flag of Djibouti

  1. Light blue is available by the sign of the unnoticed sea and the endless sky and personifies the people of Issa. Green testifies to the natural African continent, native land, lush vegetation and corresponds to the people of afar.
  2. White triangle – a symbol of the world.
  3. Red Star placed on the flag in memory of the struggle of peoples for independence from colonizers. On the modern flag, she symbolizes societies and the unity of the people.

Other flags

Flag of the State Alliance for Independence:

Flag Djibouti 4

Non-specialized information about Djibouti

Official language Arabic, French
Capital Djibouti
Territory 23,200 km2
Population 921 804 people
Currency Frank Djibouti (DJF, code 268)
Telephone code +253
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