Flag of Kiribati: meaning and images

Kiribati is the only government in the world that are located on all hemispheres. Today’s Flag of the Republic – a faithful copy of her coat of arms. But it was approved later – together with the foundation of the state of independence status.

So the modern flag of Kiribati looks:

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History flag of Kiribati

  • Until 1937, the flag of the British colony took advantage of Kiribati.
  • From 1937 to 1974, the emblem of the islands is added to the image of English symbols on the blue web.
  • In the late 1974 – Ellis Peninsula separated from Gilbert. The only difference from the modern banner is a white outline and a white motto.

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  • On July 12, 1979, independence was proclaimed in the capital of Kiribati and raised the flag. This version of the banner is previously valid.

Before finding the status of independence, the Republic of Kiribati was called the islands of Gilbert.


Rectangular canvas broken into 2 parts: top red, and on the bottom depicted white-blue waves. In the center there is a silhouette of the rising sun with 17 rays. Over heavenly body hearts golden frigate.

Colors flag of Kiribati

4 colors are involved on the canvas. The flag has an unsuccessful color answer: items are connected and the image does not look correct. But, if you evaluate the entire composition from the artistic side, the colors are selected very harmoniously. Red background perfectly mixed with yellow sun and bird, and blue waves – with white stripes.

Meaning colors flag of Kiribati

In Ixillology, the following interpretations of the parts of the panel are presented:

  1. Red background indicates a tropical climate and close placement of islands to the equator.
  2. Wavy strips on flags are practically not seen, due to the fact that at a huge distance, they are more often united in a single spot. But here this image was needed to show the waves of the ocean.
  3. White stripes are all Kiribati Islands.
  4. Sun – landmark.
  5. Seventeen rays – the number of atolls in the Gilbert archipelago and on the Banaba Peninsula, which are part of the Republic of Kiribati.
  6. Bird – from the kind of frigates. Easygas were focused on them: if you met the frigate, the tropics have achieved. On the one hand, this is the embodiment of freedom. In another case, the impersonation of the power and combat spirit of local residents.

There is a world view that the frigate is a schematic representation of the state dance of the republic. Traveling Dancing Remind Bird Flight.

Interesting facts about the flag

  • The modern flag option is used not only as naval, well, and as a commodity.
  • Authorship of the panels in the belonging of Arthur Francis Grimmer, who wrote not counting this book “Essays of the islands”.

Flag At least a particular country is a historic message with the past. And Kiribati symbolism paintings excluding all other related with heraldic symbols, known since the days of the British colonies.

Non-specialized information about Kiribati

Official language Kiribati, English
Capital South Tarawa
Territory 812.34 km2
Population 115 300 people
Currency Australian dollar (AUD, code 36)
Telephone code +686
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