Flag LGBT (Rainbow): colors and meaning

The rainbow flag is represented by the symbol of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) as well as social LGBT movements, and used since the 70s of the last century. Colors reflect a variety of LGBT societies, and the flag is often used as a symbol of a gay parade in marches of equality for the rights of LGBT. For the first time, the flag arose in California, but this time is used worldwide.

So now looks like the LGBT flag (rainbow): Photo

Rainbow flag

Who invented the Rainbow flag?

The father of the famous symbol of the LGBT community did not get such fame, as well as other public activists. The name of the artist Gilbert Baker, unlike Elton John or Ellen Degens, knows a few. He was born in 1951. in Kansas. Gilbert Baker served in the US Army in the period from 1970 until 1972. He was most of his personal short-term military service in San Francisco, while the LGBT movement was just prepared for his own explosion. For a number of days, until the beginning of the Gay Freedom Day Parade on June 25, 1978, Harvey Milk called Hilbert Becker’s own friend and also told him that the event demands a logo. Baker made an answer that a flag can be like a logo.

Gilbert Baker

Colors flag LGBT

According to the plan of the artist, the flag was obliged to be eight-way to demonstrate the diversity of this movement. Each strip personified one of the components of the ideology of the gay movement:

  1. Pink – sexuality;
  2. Red – life;
  3. Orange – Healing;
  4. Yellow – Sun;
  5. Green – nature;
  6. Turquoise – art;
  7. Blue – harmony;
  8. Purple – Human Spirit and its beginning.

Rainbow flag

In the future, Gilbert Baker explained his choice of colors and it turned out to be much simpler: “We needed something elegant, something ours. Rainbow is a great good because it displays our variety from the point of view of race, gender, age and so on “.

Flag of LGBT from 1978 to 1999

After killing Harvey in 1978. The need for the flag has grown. Gilbert, however, it was hard to find a pink color, hence he decided to reduce the number of colors on the flag to 7 in order to satisfy the demand.

1978-1999 Pride flag

Rainbow Flag of Philadelphia with the participation of color people

This flag was founded in 2017., In order to demonstrate to black and brown people in the LGBTC community and unique problems, together with which they face. The source was informed by the magazine Philadelphia Magazine: “Considering the entire intensive activity of black and brown people aimed at combating together with racism in Greats in the last year, I believe that the new flag is an excellent step for the sake of the city in order to demonstrate to the world to what they are striving. I fully support all members of our community”.

Philadelphia's People of Color Inclusive Flag

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