Flag of Portugal: meaning and colors

The municipal flag of the Portuguese Republic has a long history. So the modern flag of Portugal looks: Flag of Portugal-1

History flag Portugal

The 1st heraldic sign of Portugal, which is mentioned in the sources, was a blue cross on a white background. So watched the shield of Heinrich Burgundsky in the XI century. Flag of Portugal-2

In Afonus, the magnifies, which he marked the Lord of Portugal, was depicted on the flag the same blue cross on a white square field. At the end of the recognition of independence in the 12th century, Vladyk Athosu added to a personal shield of 5 images of small shields from nonsense (coat of arms in the form of small mugs), knocked out on the blue cross. Flag of Portugal-3

In the time of his descendant, Santa I, the blue paint of the Cross was sweat and erased. Due to this, the principle of the evolution of the municipal sign took place. Minor shields have become isolated, to position them only resemble the past cross. The bottom corners were targeted to the center.

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The origin of Majanky blue shields with nonsense is associated with the legend. In the XII century, shortly before the principal battle, a hermit appeared to the future king Afonus, saying that he is the Messenger of the Highest. The old man gave the advice during the day, at the first sounds of the bell, to get out of the hiking tent and look at the sky. Afonusa did and did. Leaving a tent at the dawn, he saw Christ, crucified in the forefront. The rescuer announced the victory and about God’s defense. Inspired by this phenomenon, Tsarevich defeated a strong enemy. In battle, he killed 5 Mauritanian, took the rulers as trophies in their shields. In honor of this act, Afonus placed an image of 5 shields on the coat of arms. And 5 nonsense on each of them symbolized the wounds of the crucified Christ. Legend leads to, t. To. It seemed only in the XV century. One hundred percent may be that it has a goal to clarify the Portuguese history of Divine Providence. Future heraldic configurations in Portugal occurred in the 13th century. An Afonus III, who joined the throne was not a direct heir and did not have the right to use the signs of the past king, without making it in their configurations. Taking into the wife of the daughter of the Castilian king, the monarch loses the image of several locks borrowed from the Castilla shield on the red cut. The correct amount was recorded exclusively at the end of the 16th century.

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Vladyk Zhuan I added a greenish lily on the cut of a shield with 4 sides. A flag with this shield existed 100 years. Flag of Portugal-6

At the end of the 15th century, the flag changed. Lilies from the shield fell through the soil, the number of locks decreased to 7, and the number of nonsense decreased to 5. It was the last rectangular shield.

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At the end of the 15th century, constructive configurations were made. The shield loses the rectangular shape, the lower edge is made elongated. The crown appears above the shield. Flag of Portugal-8

The flag design with small changes existed until 1830. At the end of which white cloth was divided vertically on two equal stripes of blue and white colors with superimposed on their shield. Flag of Portugal-9

In 1910, the monarchy was overthrown in Portugal. The need for new state signs. The choice of colors was unanimous. They became red and green. To approve the flag made a non-standard committee. This body includes the prime minister, painter, writer, public figures from officers.

The commission ruled that the choice of red color is due to the fact that it symbolizes passion, dedicated struggle, blood, satisfaction, and victory. The green color was unusual in the symbols of Portugal.

The creators of the flag explained his choice because he was on the flag of revolutionaries in the first half of the 90s of the nineteenth century.

White, in coordination with the position of the commission, is evidenced by beauty, purity, modesty, peace, and well-being. Other colors merged in it. One of the parts of the flag was the armillary sphere, personifying the great geographic discoveries made by the Portuguese.

The shield placed on top of the sphere, in coordination from the standpoint of the commissions, should mean the past and true greatness of the Portuguese, their courage, perseverance, and energy.

The new flag was right times raised in Lisbon on December 1, 1910.


The rectangle is shared vertically into two parts. The width of the left form 2/5 of the length, right – 3/5 of the length of the panel. The left side is painted in green, right – red. Flag widths and length ratio 2:3. On the strip, separating the strip, and on a monotonous distance from the upper and lower edges, the emblem of Portugal is placed. This is an armillary sphere and the shield superimposed on it. The armillary sphere is the principal device of the first Portuguese seafarers. Its diameter on the flag shapes 1/2 the width of the panel. The sphere has a pair of arcs. The Portuguese flag depicts 1 wide arc and 4 small. Large corresponds to the transmitting band of the annual movement of the sun. Small arcs denote the equator and two tropics and Capricorn Cancer. Sphere Golden (Yellow) with black-made elements. Modern shield design – quadrangle with a round bottom. Height shapes 7/10 a crewel of the sphere, and width – 6/10. Mid-Shield – Silver (White). Around the perimeter passes a wide red border, circled a narrow white stripe. In the shield, on a white background, there are 5 blue shields. They are in a vertical position. Their placement forms a cross. Each has 5 silver (white) nonsense – 2 from above, 2 below, and 1 in the center. On the time of red, there is 7 gold (yellow) locks with 3 turrets at least. The gates are closed. 5 upper locks have a vertical position, 2 bottom – under the tilt. Flag of Portugal-10

For disrespectful attitude to the national symbol in Portugal, criminal liability has been established. Punishment may continue to imprisonment for 2 years.

Colors flag Portugal

Legally faithful colors are not established. Approximately colors of primary colors are clarified as follows. 6 colors:

  1. Red corresponds to 255-0-0 for the combination of RGB;
  2. Green – 0-102-0 RGB;
  3. Yellow – 255-255-0 RGB;
  4. blue 0-51-153 RGB;
  5. white 255-255-255 RGB;
  6. Black 0-0-0.

Meaning colors flag Portugal

Green and red colors until 1910 were not the colors of the state banner. But they both were on the signs of the rulers of the country.

  1. Green – Republican Party Symbol. He was interpreted as a color of hope.
  2. Red – blood color, courage and perseverance, sealing to victory.
  3. The armillary sphere is a symbol of the Great Portuguese navigators who have made a solid contribution to the development of new lands.
  4. The shield superimposed on top of it is one of the most dilapidated symbols of the country. Specifies the glorious history of Portugal.

Other flags

Flag of Navy, Portugal – Red Square in a Broad Green Frame. In the center – shield located on top of the armillary sphere. Flag of Portugal-11

Portugal’s army flag is a rectangle with an aspect ratio of 12:13. It is broken by vertical on the left-right and red-green rectangles. In the center – shield over the armillary sphere surrounded by branches. Below – a white ribbon with an inscription that stars about love and loyalty to Fatherland.

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The presidential flag is a green rectangle with a reinforcement sphere and shield.

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Interesting facts about the flag

Responsibility for abuse of the flag was introduced to the flight at the end of its creation in 1910. The guilty sentenced to date or link. At official events, there is a special procedure for folding the flag. Four people holding a cloth in a horizontal position should produce a sequence of manipulations so that in the folded view from above was the shield.

Non-specialized information about Portugal

Official language Portuguese, Miranda (Regional Language)
Capital Lisbon
Territory 92 225.61 km2
Population 10 276 617 people
Currency Euro (EUR, €), Portuguese coins of Euro
Telephone code +351
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