Flag of the Azores: meaning and pictures

Flag of Azores (Portuguese: Bandeira Dos Açores) is the regional flag of the Portuguese Autonomous Area of ​​Azores. It shows a two-color rectangle with an unevenly divided field on a blue on a lift and white on the fly.

The Azores is a region of Portugal, having autonomy status. They are posted on the same archipelago in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Faithful information about the time of their opening is not available. The area of ​​the area is 2322 km2, with a population of 248.8 thousand. human.

So looks modern flag of the Azores:

Flag of Azores-1

History of the flag

The first atlas and cards drawn by the Spaniards and Italians, with marks on their Azores, seemed to be at 13-14 centuries. By the middle of the 15th century, the colonization of the area began – at first, the Spaniards began, and at the end of which France, Flanders. In the seventeenth century, the Azores are becoming a center on commercial roads in America, Europe, and Asia. Free region Portugal Islands steel since 1976.

Today’s flag of the Azores is a certain similarity with the Flag of Portugal period 1830-1911. The difference is that the Flag of Portugal Without the crown, is depicted in the upper left corner, and the hawk is placed on the central part of the panel, the Hawk is placed – the symbol of the archipelago.

Description of the flag of the Azores

At the end of the revolutionary events of 1911 in Portugal abandoned the white blue background. Instead of this, a red-green combination was used. But, on the flag of the Azores, the last coloring was preserved as evidence and sign to the metropolis.

The size of the flag is correlated in the proportions as 2 to 3. Vertical stripes of blue and snow-white color – like 2/5 and 3/5, respectively. The blue part is located closer to the side of the attachment.

Coat of arms of Portugal Without an image, the crown is placed on the blue part of the panel in the upper corner. On the border of blue and snow-white colors caused an outline of a soaring hawk of yellowish color, considered the sign of the Azores. Around the 1st Wing of Birds to the second wing depicted nine stars of yellowish color.

In coordination with the legend, the Portuguese pioneers of the Azores went to the islands, oriented on the flight of birds returning to their nests.

Colors flag of the Azores

On the flag of the Azores are used three main colors: blue, snow-white (white), and yellow. Not counting them are also used red for image Coat of arms of Portugal.

Meaning colors flag the Azores

White-blue (blue) Coloring is considered good for Portugal.

Nine stars on the cloth mean nine islands of the archipelago. Some of them are uninhabited. Bird (Hawk or Korshun) is considered an impersonation of the terrain.

Interesting facts about the flag

On the Azores from the mid-70s of the 20th century, the separatist militarized group, struggling for the independence of the terrain. This organization had an individual flag having a similarity, with the official sign of the Azores. On a similar blue-white background depicted flying Korshun, and nine stars under it.

In the autonomous region of the Azores, the Flag of the Azores islands has priority immediately after the flag of Portugal. Thus, in the region, it has a priority over all other flags, including the European, that the mainland Portugal usually has a priority immediately subsequently by the Portuguese Flag. The Azore flag will be raised in all public buildings and on official ceremonies in the region together with the Portuguese flag. When there are two flagpoles, the Portuguese flag takes the right, and the Azore flag is left. The Portuguese flag with three flat strokes is central, and the flag of the Azores is the right. The flag of Portugal with more than three flagpoles takes the first right, and the flag of the Azores is the following

Flag of Azores-2

Non-specialized information about the Azores

Official language English, French, and Portuguese
Huge peninsula San Miguel
Territory 2322 km2
Population 246 772 people
Currency Azores Real
Telephone code +351
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