Flag of Senegal: meaning and colors

The Republic of Senegal – West African country, the name of which comes from the same river. Its territory form 196.7 thousand.sq.km., and population 14 million. Human.

So the modern flag of Senegal looks:

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History flag of Senegal

Until the middle of the second millennium. NS. In the Western region of Africa, the formation of countries from those living in the place, peoples, and ethnic groups. In the XV century, the 1st Europeans appeared in Senegal – Portuguese. From the 17th to the 19th-century finish, this region has gradually colonized by the French, and for understandable events as a sign used French tricolor.

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With the beginning of the twentieth century and before his mid-Senegal was a closer connection with another French colony – Mali, and in 1959-1960 was administratively united with her in Mali Federation. The official sign of that period was a cloth similar to the modern flag, only with the difference that the silhouette of a person was presented in the center.

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Before entering the Federation in the 2nd half of the 50s of the twentieth century, Senegal was proclaimed the self-governing territory of French society with its own symbolism.

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As a result of political strife in Federation Mali In the years and the 60th half of the twentieth century, Senegal took independence. In August, a new version of the flag was admitted.


Flag of Senegal – this is a cloth of rectangular shape, the sides of which correspond to the proportions of 2 to 3. In the appropriate article of the Constitution of the country, its description is represented as folded from vertical three uniform strips – green, golden, and red. A five-pointed star of greenish color is depicted in the center of the Golden Lisa.

In practice, instead of golden colors for the middle strip, almost at least what time, yellowish is used.

Colors flag of Senegal

Three colors are used on the sign of the republic:

  1. Green;
  2. Yellow (golden);
  3. Red.

Meaning colors flag Senegal

Applied on the color sign are properly coloring for Pan-African states.

  1. Green – is the color of the prophet for Muslim residents, for Christians is fertility and a sign of hope.
  2. Yellow – wealth for the labor people, the answer to his economic problems. Gold (Yellow) symbolizes mind, skill, writing.
  3. Red – Blood, the memory of the victims, from the side of the whole civilization, and the color of fate, the zeal of every resident to the fight against underdevelopment.

Five-pointed star symbolizes the sky of zeal and high spiritual. Green tone is the independence of the Republic of Senegal and hope for the future. 5 rays of the star mean the country of 5 continents.

Similar flags

The flag of the Republic of Senegal has similarities with state signs of such countries as:

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Interesting facts about the flag

The colors of the official sign of the country and the 2nd interpretation. Three colors are three political parties who united in the Senegal Union of progresses (at the moment Socialist Party Senegal:

  1. Green – democratic block;
  2. Yellow – movement of the people;
  3. Red – Party of Socialist Action.

The five-pointed star resembles a human ideogram depicted in the center of the sign of the broken Federation Mali.

Non-specialized information about Senegal

Official language French, Arabic (Hernia) has the status of the state language
Capital Dakar
Territory 196 722 km2
Population 13,300 410 people
Currency Frank CFA
Telephone code +221
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