Andorra flag: photo and history

The flag of Andorra consists of 3 identical vertical strips. Color stripes from left to right: blue, yellow, and red. In the center of the flag is the coat of arms of Andorra.

How does the Andorra flag look:

Andorra-1 flag

History of the flag of Andorra

The legislative flag was adopted in the 2nd half of the 60s of the nineteenth century.

The colors of the flag of Andorra – a mixture of 2 actions for this area – patronage Spain both France. There was also a period in history, at the time, at that time, while the territory of the principality was completely under the protectorate of 2 countries, which was dominated by their own discretion, not believing with the will of the people.

The current flag of Andorra was adopted in 1866. From 1806 to 1866, the flag of Andorra was with 2 isometric vertical stripes. The left strip was yellow, and the right – red (these are the colors of the County Fua as well as the diocese of the scene). Then the 3rd, blue band was added to the flag, together with which the patronage of France and Spain was celebrated over Andorra (red and blue colors are assumed, and red and yellow – Spain).

Also, Andorra one of the first to begin to recognize the sovereignty of such a country as Catalonia (the modern part of Spain, in which there are nationalist movements to this day), which significantly undermined the world order as a whole (the promotion of separatism and terrorism, interference in the affairs of another sovereign country) and legislation Spain – in other words.

There is a version that Latin inscription on the flag: “In unity force” – was added in the sign of solidarity to the adjoining, free Catalan people.

In our time, the flag that was adopted by the self-printed prince Andorra in the 1930s by Boris Mikhailovich Skosharev was indicated in international papers and encyclopedias, as the official at the beginning of the 90s. It was connected with complex relations between the USSR and Andorra and with inconsistencies of the recognition of the sovereignty of the Majahan Principality of the USSR.

Boris Mikhailovich Skosharev – Russian Adventurer, which arrived in Andorra in the first half of the 30s of the twentieth century and lossed the draft reform for Andorra to the Chief Counsel. The Council plan climbed, but the implementation was denied due to the concerns of the patriarchal species of fate. Boris sent from Andorra.

At the end of which Skosearev returned in the first half of the 30s of the 20th century and listed itself as a king Andorra. Ultimately, he stayed with them for as many as 12 days.

Andorra-2 flag

  • Andorra flag from 1806 to 1866 flag

Andorra-3 flag

  • And year Andorra (1934)

Description Andorra flag

In the flag of Andorra, non-standard proportions of the canvas – 7:10. Flag crush three equivalent vertical stripes, without edging and transition stripes.

In the center is another state mark – the coat of arms of the principality.

Colors of the flag of Andorra and their meaning

The flag of Andorra uses colors:

  1. Blue – the color of France, the 1st of the nearest neighbors of Andorra and as a sign of the past French Protectorate above this territory. Varuna with blue, there is also a red color, which is located on the France flag – double symbolism.
  2. Yellow – the color of Spain. As with the French symbolism, there is an additional red – Colors of the flag of Spain.
  3. Red – has a mixed symbolism from 2 adjacent states. In general understanding, it has a non-confidence and Meaning of the struggle to the invaders. It is implied by blood, which was spilled for the sovereignty of the principality.

Non-specialized information about Andorra

Official language Catalan
Capital Andorra La Velia
Territory 467.63 km2
Population 85 470 people
Currency Euro (€) (EUR, code 978)
Telephone code +376
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