Flag Singapore: meaning and colors

The Republic of Singapore is a state-city in Southeast Asia. The area of ​​its locality form 726 sq. km., And the population is 5.8 million. Human.

So the modern Flag of Singapore looks:

Flag of Singapore-1

History flag Singapore

Singapore has lacked information, and the 1st of them are dated to the beginning of the 19th century, at the time, at the time, at the time, at the time when the peninsula attracted the enthusiasm of the British, the development of the new and possibility of creating a port. From 1819 to manage, the peninsula became the British under its flag. Singapore-2 flag

The emergence of modern Singapore went with an abrupt pace, and by the 20th century, it was already a large factory center for the production of rubber and tin. Obtained Colonia England, Singapore got its own symbolism.

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For the 2nd global, Japan occupied Singapore and fully calculated its own territory. The sign of the period was the flag of the country of the Rising Sun. Singapore-4 flag

From 1946 to 1952. In the sign of the colonial area, English Union Jack has used again, that in 1952 it was not enough to change in the style of the crown. Flag of Singapore-5

The current municipal flag was approved in the 2nd half of the 50s of the 20th century after Singapore became self-governing as part of Britain. In the first half of the 60s and century, residents of the country voted for entering into Federation Malaysia, But in two years, Singapore came out of it. As an official sign at the moment, Malaysian. Singapore-6 flag

In August 1965. The 1959 flag option was again approved as a sign of a free country.


The flag of Singapore is a rectangular cloth, the sides of which are connected in a proportion of 2:3. It consists of 2 horizontal uniform parts. Top strip bright red color, and lower – white. In the upper half of the hail, the crescent is depicted, the bulge of which is facing the satellite, and 5 five-pointed stars are represented in it. Their accommodation resembles a pentagon figure. Stars and crescents are made in white. The placement of stars is similar to the position of stars in the constellation South Cross.

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Colors flag Singapore

Only two colors are used on the flag of the republic:

  1. Red;
  2. White.

Meaning colors flag Singapore

The colors of the state sign have a special essence for Singaporeans.

  1. White – symbolizes the spiritual purity of residents of the country and their virtuous thoughts.
  2. Red – zeal to the equality of people on the planet and non-specialized fraternity.

The new moon, presented on the flag of Singapore, testifies to the beginning of the formation of a young civilization, its rise, and thrust for progress. Five-pointed white stars resemble a peaceful existence of various religious and secular ideas and the perfection of Singapore:

  1. Democracy;
  2. Peace;
  3. Progress;
  4. Justice;
  5. Equality.

Other flags

Symbols for urban structures and institutions approved in the republic. Among them:

  • The ideal of the president of the country;

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  • The civil symbol used for registered civilian courts;

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  • Navigator Navy, for military courts and state marine ensign, for all non-military vessels;

Flag of Singapore-10 Singapore-11 flag

  • Armed Forces of PC;

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  • RS army;

Singapore-13 flag

  • UI RS.

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Interesting facts about the flag

During the discussion of the flag option first, he was completely red, but the Cabinet rejected it, finding the similarity with the communist, and the symbol was divided into two colors. In the final version, not counting this world population of the country was taken into account. For the Chinese – 5 stars are modeled from the sign of the PRC, and for Muslims depicted crescent.

Non-specialized information about Singapore

Official language English, Chinese (Putonghua), Malay, and Tamil
Capital Singapore
Territory 728 km2
Population 5 781 110 people
Currency Singapore Dollar (SGD)
Telephone code +65
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