Flag of North Korea: meaning and colors

DPRK is one of the few modern states in which there is a totalitarian dictatorship in practice. The country was formed only in 1948, at the same time the flag of North Korea was developed. Since the North Korean state is closed for free visits, and tourists spend on previously indicated routes, not letting it with the life of the people, interest in the country in recent years only grows.

Flag of North Korea

How the flag of North Korea looks is presented in the photo below.

Flag of North Korea

It is used unchanged for 73 years. Other banners were used on the territory of the modern state during the period when the independence of North Korea was not proclaimed.

The symbolism was developed by Kim Il Sen after “Thagikeki” (the traditional symbol of Korean territories) began to be used as an official string with the southern part of the peninsula. When developing a project of Steag Kim Il Saint relied on the main provisions of the ideology developed by him and historical facts.

History of North Korean State Symbolism

Before the formation of the DPRK during the liberation movement from the Japanese blowing during the Second World War on its territory, for a short time, other standards were used, externally differ from the flag of North Korea.

So, in the period from October 1945 to February 1946, the Soviet symbolism was used in Korean territories, since the USSR took part in the liberation of the country and created the Soviet civil authorities there.

Flag of North Korea photo

From February 1946 to March 1948, Thagikeki was Thagikek.

What does North Korea flag look like

The current version of the symbolism is approved on September 8, 1948.

What does the North Korean flag look like

The photo of this state symbol was given above. At its foundation, you can make the following description of the flag of North Korea:

  • Tricolor pin-colored. Horizontally extended (in a ratio of 1 to 2);
  • In the center – a wide stripe of red. It is closer to the tree (shifting to the left edge) there is a white circle with a red star concluded in it;
  • on top and bottom from the red strip, there are narrow stripes of white and blue.

Despite the externally staging, it is periodically confused with the symbols of the South Korean side of the peninsula.

Other banners of North Korea

Inside the state used other symbols. It is necessary to refer to the marine fleet, armed forces. In total, the country has eleven standards (besides national), two of which are party symbolism.

Eight of them are characterized by an abundance of red. The following colors are used: Red, Yellow, White, Blue. One standard is made in a combination of white, blue, blue, and yellow colors with minimal red addition.

At the same time, the designation of the flag of North Korea does not coincide even in part.

Deciphering party banner of the DPRK

One of the most significant banners of the state is used by the ruling party for its designation. Kim Il Saint personally participated in the development of a party symbol. How it looks can be seen in the photo below.

Flag of the DPRK North Korea

The main color of the panel – red. This banner is used by another of its shade, more rich and bright than on the central lane of the flag of North Korea.

In the center of the toll of yellow, the sickle, hammer, and brush are shifted. This symbolism has moved away from traditional options for labor parties. The brush was introduced to designate intelligentsia.

What does the North Korean flag meaning

The existing designation of the flag of North Korea is very interesting:

  1. The red color is used to designate blood, spilled to patriots of the country, as well as to indicate the strength of the people living in its territory;
  2. White color is left on a tie as a tribute to the traditions of Koreans and is used by its standard meaning, pointing to the purity of ideals;
  3. The blue color is used to indicate that the country seeks to unite with all the revolutionary forces of the world in the struggle for the victory of socialism. It is also used to indicate the independence of the state.

Red Star on the central strip means the spirit and wisdom of the Korean people, the revolutionary traditions of the modern state.

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